Top Corporate Trainings for managers in Australia

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape of Australia, continuous learning and development are not just beneficial; they are essential for any manager aiming to stay ahead of the curve. Corporate training programs are critical tools for enhancing the skill sets of managers, equipping them to meet the challenges of leadership, management, and innovation in today’s competitive environment. This article explores the top corporate training programs in Australia designed specifically for managers. From honing decision-making abilities and enhancing collaborative efforts to mastering the art of negotiation and influence, these programs offer a comprehensive approach to personal and professional development. Whether you are a new manager seeking foundational skills or an experienced leader aiming to refine your expertise, there’s a training program tailored to your needs.

Negotiation Training for managers in Australia

CMA Consulting offers a robust and immersive training program designed to elevate the skills and competencies of professionals across various sectors. The program is meticulously structured to cater to a range of needs, from corporate teams to individual professionals, providing a pathway to excellence in negotiation, influence, decision-making, and leadership.

What You Can Learn:

  1. Negotiation Training: Master the art of negotiation with a focus on strategies like ‘Getting To Yes’ and ‘Strategic Negotiation.’ Learn how to approach negotiations with confidence, structure, and a clear understanding of both your own and your counterpart’s interests.
  2. Influence Skills Training: Discover the ‘Principles of Persuasion’ and how to apply them effectively in the workplace. Learn to craft compelling business writing and become a more influential figure in any professional setting.
  3. Conflict Resolution & Feedback Skills: Gain tools and strategies to manage and resolve conflicts constructively. Learn how to provide and receive feedback effectively, an essential skill for personal and professional growth.
  4. Leadership Programs: Whether you’re an emerging leader or at the executive level, these programs offer insights into people management, relationship building, and executive development.
  5. Virtual Training: Access a wide range of courses online, including Professional Negotiation and Principles of Persuasion, ensuring your learning journey continues regardless of location.


  1. Improved Outcomes: Learn to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes in negotiations, ensuring both the quality of the result and the strength of professional relationships are maintained.
  2. Enhanced Communication Skills: Develop both verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that build rapport, trust, and understanding in various professional scenarios.
  3. Strategic Thinking: Foster a strategic approach to problem-solving and decision-making, enhancing your ability to navigate complex situations and make informed choices.
  4. Leadership Development: Cultivate the qualities of a successful negotiator and leader, including integrity, quick decision-making, and the ability to maintain relationships.
  5. Adaptability: Equip yourself with the skills to manage crisis situations, resolve conflicts, and negotiate under various circumstances.

Skills to Learn:

  • Effective Negotiation: Learn to prepare thoroughly, understand key interests, and stay focused on your goals.
  • Influential Communication: Master the art of persuasion, active listening, and effective questioning to guide conversations and negotiations.
  • Conflict Resolution: Develop strategies to navigate and resolve conflicts, ensuring productive outcomes.
  • Decision-Making: Enhance your ability to make quick, informed decisions that align with your objectives.
  • Leadership: Build the skills necessary to lead teams, manage relationships, and influence others positively.

Program Details:

  • Corporate Training – In-House Programs: Tailored sessions designed to fit the specific needs of your organization, available in various formats including negotiation, influence, and leadership training.
  • Professional Development Courses – Public Workshops: Participate in comprehensive workshops on negotiation, influence, and business writing, available to individual professionals.
  • Organisational Programs: Specialized programs focusing on negotiation strategies, sales, customer service, and more.
  • Virtual Training: Accessible and flexible online training options to continue your learning journey from anywhere.

Negotiation Training


Influencing Skills for managers in Australia

The Influencing Skills program offered by CMA Consulting is a comprehensive training designed to enhance the ability of professionals to communicate with purpose and impact. This program is ideal for individuals looking to improve outcomes, gain real commitment in their workplace, and build their influence effectively.

What You Can Learn:

  1. Principles of Persuasion: Understand the foundational theories of persuasion and how to apply them in various professional scenarios to sway behaviors and decisions beneficially.
  2. Influence in the Workplace: Learn strategies to build your influence among peers, supervisors, and subordinates, creating a more harmonious and productive work environment.
  3. Influential Business Writing: Gain skills in crafting compelling written communications that persuade and motivate readers, essential for proposals, reports, and digital correspondence.


  • Enhanced Leadership Presence: Develop a stronger leadership profile by learning to influence others effectively, ensuring your ideas and initiatives gain the support they need.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively, both verbally and in writing, to various audiences.
  • Stronger Relationships: Build and maintain stronger professional relationships through trust, respect, and influential interactions.
  • Better Decision-Making: Learn to use influence to guide discussions and decisions in directions that are beneficial for your team and organization.
  • Career Advancement: As you become more influential, your value as a team member and leader increases, opening up opportunities for career growth.

Skills to Learn:

  • Strategic Communication: Learn how to structure your communication to achieve specific objectives, tailor messages for your audience, and present ideas in a compelling manner.
  • Active Listening and Empathy: Develop skills in active listening and empathy to better understand the needs and motivations of others, which is crucial for influential leadership.
  • Adaptability: Learn to adapt your influencing style to different situations and individuals for more effective interactions.
  • Conflict Resolution: Gain the ability to navigate and resolve disagreements or conflicts in a way that maintains relationships and leads to productive outcomes.

Program Details:

  • Two-day Skillful Influencer Program: A comprehensive workshop designed to deepen your understanding of influence as a skill and provide strategies for preparing and engaging in influential conversations.
  • One-day Influential Business Writing Course: Focus on improving your written communication with techniques that ensure your documents are clear, persuasive, and effective.
  • One-day Principles of Persuasion Workshop: Delve into the essential influencing techniques needed in both written and verbal communications and how to apply these in your daily interactions.

Additional Features:

  • Pre- and Post-Workshop Resources: Includes a pre-workshop survey, planning templates, and post-workshop commitment sheets to reinforce learning.
  • Continuous Learning Support: Benefit from fortnightly emails to remind participants of the theory and 12-month access to CMA’s e-coaching hotline for ongoing guidance.
  • Community Access: Join CMA’s Alumni website for networking and further learning opportunities.

Whether you are based in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, or elsewhere, CMA Consulting’s Influencing Skills program is accessible and designed to equip you with the tools needed to become a more persuasive and impactful leader. Engage in this program to upskill your communication methods, become influential in the workplace, and secure your influencing training courses today.

Influencing Skills


Getting Past Conflict training program for managers

The “Getting Past Conflict” skills program by CMA Consulting is a specialized workshop designed to equip individuals and teams with the essential skills to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. Through a structured and comprehensive approach, participants will learn to navigate high-stakes conversations, minimize the impact of conflicts, and foster stable and long-lasting workplace relationships. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Understanding Conflict: Gain a clear definition of conflict, its causes, and the various challenges associated with initiating and navigating difficult conversations.
  2. Structured Approach: Learn to apply structured methods for addressing both emotional conflicts and solving substantive disagreements.
  3. Diagnosis and Preparation: Use a specific framework to diagnose the root causes of conflicts, prepare effectively, and lead challenging conversations toward resolution.
  4. Self-Assessment and Evaluation: Develop the ability to measure your progress in moving past conflicts through self-assessment, peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Improved Conflict Management: Learn to respond constructively to conflicts rather than reacting emotionally, leading to more effective resolutions.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Develop the ability to initiate difficult conversations safely, manage emotions, and communicate with clarity and purpose.
  • Flexibility in Resolution: Acquire a more flexible approach to resolving disagreements, learning strategies to create mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • Increased Confidence: Build confidence in discussing sensitive or challenging issues, fostering more constructive working relationships.
  • Efficient Problem-Solving: Spend less time in conflicts and more time in productive problem-solving, enhancing overall team productivity and harmony.

Skills to Learn:

  • Emotional Intelligence: Understand and manage your emotional responses to conflict and learn to respond to others’ emotions constructively.
  • Active Listening: Develop skills in active listening to truly understand the perspectives of others and foster mutual understanding.
  • Negotiation and Persuasion: Learn techniques to negotiate effectively and persuade others toward collaborative solutions.
  • Strategic Conversation: Master the art of leading conversations strategically to prevent escalation and guide towards resolution.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A comprehensive program that takes a structured approach to conflict management, empowering participants to manage high-stakes conversations skillfully.
  • Tailored Learning: Each workshop includes custom case studies and participant analysis to ensure the learning is relevant and applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Experience interactive and engaging workshops at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Participate in short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Access the training globally through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Getting Past Conflict


Effective Feedback training program for managers

The “Effective Feedback” training program for managers by CMA Consulting is a comprehensive one-day workshop designed to transform how managers view and deliver feedback within their teams. The program focuses on moving beyond routine performance appraisals to a more dynamic, structured, and empathetic approach. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Identifying Feedback Approaches: Recognize your current feedback methods and the challenges associated with them, paving the way for improvement.
  2. Understanding Feedback Types: Delve into the three forms of feedback – appreciation, coaching, and evaluation – learning when and how to use each effectively.
  3. Practising Feedback Delivery: Engage in practical exercises where you prepare for and participate in simulated feedback conversations based on real-life examples.
  4. Evaluating Feedback Skills: Measure your feedback delivery skills through self-assessment, peer-to-peer reviews, and observational coaching to identify areas for growth.


  • Enhanced Communication: Learn how to deliver feedback that is clear, constructive, and encourages a positive and productive work environment.
  • Improved Relationships: Foster better relationships with your team by providing feedback that is empathetic, supportive, and growth-oriented.
  • Increased Team Performance: Shift from ‘performance management’ to ‘performance development’, leading to higher functioning teams.
  • Professional Development: Develop your skills as a manager and leader, becoming more effective in your role and advancing your career.
  • Confidence in Difficult Conversations: Gain the confidence to handle difficult feedback conversations with ease, knowing you have the tools and techniques to manage them effectively.

Skills to Learn:

  • Feedback Preparation: Learn a structured process to prepare for feedback and coaching conversations, ensuring you’re clear and purposeful in your delivery.
  • Managing Emotions: Develop strategies to respond constructively when faced with strong emotions like anger, frustration, or disappointment.
  • Constructive Conversations: Learn to conduct feedback conversations that are anticipated positively because they are seen as constructive and beneficial.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A focused session that examines feedback from a practical and strategic perspective, enabling managers to understand and apply effective feedback techniques immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customised case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is relevant and directly applicable to your workplace.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Effective Feedback


Influential Business Writing training program for managers

The “Influential Business Writing” training program for managers by CMA Consulting is a one-day intensive workshop designed to transform managers’ approach to written communication. This program is tailored to help leaders effectively structure their documents for maximum impact, ensuring that their writing drives the desired response and fosters better working relationships. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Understanding Writing Impact: Recognize the benefits and common pitfalls of written communication and identify the real purpose behind each document you create.
  2. Structuring for Persuasion: Learn frameworks for planning, drafting, and editing that enhance the persuasiveness and clarity of your writing.
  3. Practical Application: Engage in drafting and editing business documents, including your real-life examples, to practice and refine your new skills.
  4. Evaluating Writing Skills: Measure your ability to write persuasively through self-assessment, peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Enhanced Clarity and Persuasion: Develop the ability to write in a way that generates the desired response, whether it’s agreement, action, or understanding.
  • Improved Perception: Increase your awareness of how your writing style may be perceived by others and learn to adapt it to various audiences and objectives.
  • Productivity Boost: Improve your efficiency by reducing the time taken to draft emails and documents and minimize the time managers spend editing or rewriting documents.
  • Stronger Relationships: Build better working relationships through clear, respectful, and influential written communication.
  • Professional Development: Enhance your professional image and effectiveness as a manager through more impactful written communication.

Skills to Learn:

  • Audience Analysis: Understand and adapt your content and style depending on your audience, circumstances, and objectives.
  • Structured Writing: Master the art of structuring your communication to maximize its persuasive impact.
  • Editing for Expression: Learn to edit your writing for clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness, ensuring your message is understood as intended.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A focused session that examines the fundamentals of effective business writing, providing managers with the tools they need for immediate improvement.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Influential Business Writing


Managing Meetings training programs in Australia

The “Managing Meetings” training program offered by CMA Consulting is a one-day comprehensive workshop designed to revolutionize how leaders at all levels plan, lead, and participate in meetings. This program is focused on transforming meetings from often perceived time-wasters into productive, engaging, and action-oriented sessions. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Meeting Efficiency Awareness: Recognize the negative impact of inefficient meetings and learn how to design purpose-driven, productive meetings.
  2. Best-Practice Tools: Gain comprehension of best-practice tools for essential meeting management skills including preparation, facilitation, and problem-solving.
  3. Practical Application: Practice preparing, facilitating, and problem-solving in simulated meeting scenarios.
  4. Evaluating Meeting Management: Measure your ability to manage meetings effectively through self-assessment, peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Increased Productivity: Learn to establish clear objectives for meetings, leading to better decision-making and information sharing.
  • Reduced Frustration: Minimize wasted time and reduce apathy by making meetings more focused and engaging.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: Utilize systematic processes for analyzing and resolving issues within the meeting context.
  • Difficult Moment Management: Gain the skills to effectively manage challenging moments and get meetings back on track when they veer off course.
  • Collaborative and Enjoyable Meetings: Conduct meetings that are not only collaborative and effective but also enjoyable for all participants.

Skills to Learn:

  • Objective Setting: Understand how to set clear, actionable objectives for every meeting to ensure they are purpose-driven.
  • Facilitation Techniques: Learn techniques for effectively facilitating meetings to encourage participation, manage time, and keep discussions on track.
  • Conflict Management: Develop strategies to handle disagreements or conflicts that may arise during meetings, ensuring they are resolved constructively.
  • Actionable Outcomes: Master the art of concluding meetings with clear, actionable outcomes that participants understand and commit to.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A focused session that equips participants with the necessary tools and strategies to transform their meetings immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Consulting Essentials training program for managers

The “Consulting Essentials” training program by CMA Consulting is a two-day comprehensive course designed to empower managers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a consulting role. This program focuses on understanding client needs, creating real value, and building long-term successful consulting relationships. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Understanding Consulting Challenges: Identify challenges in your current consulting process and define the goals and strategies of an effective consulting approach.
  2. Consulting Tools: Learn to diagnose and address client needs effectively, implement efficient consulting processes, and manage difficult client relationships.
  3. Practical Application: Practice preparing for and engaging in consulting conversations and meetings, using real-life scenarios to hone your skills.
  4. Consulting Effectiveness Evaluation: Measure your ability to consult effectively through self-assessment, peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Deep Client Understanding: Gain insights into your clients’ business drivers and perceptions of value, enabling you to tailor your approach to meet their specific needs.
  • Enhanced Questioning Skills: Develop the ability to ask insightful questions that effectively diagnose your clients’ real needs and design innovative solutions.
  • Conflict Management: Learn to use disagreements or conflicts as opportunities to build trust and rapport with clients.
  • Expectation Management: Proactively manage client expectations and perceptions to strengthen your working relationship and ensure project success.
  • Increased Confidence: Build your confidence to manage the consulting process more effectively and become a trusted advisor to your clients.

Skills to Learn:

  • Client Needs Diagnosis: Master the art of understanding and diagnosing client needs to provide tailored and value-adding solutions.
  • Effective Communication: Develop strong communication skills to facilitate open and productive discussions with clients.
  • Trust Building: Learn techniques to build and maintain trust with clients, turning challenges into opportunities for strengthening relationships.
  • Consulting Process Management: Understand how to effectively manage the consulting process from initiation to completion, ensuring client satisfaction and project success.

Program Details:

  • Two-Day Workshop: A focused session that provides participants with the tools and strategies to transform their approach to consulting immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Consulting Essentials


Problem Solving training program for managers in Australia

The “Problem Solving” training program for managers in Australia by CMA Consulting is a one-day intensive workshop designed to equip leaders with a comprehensive and systematic approach to diagnosing and resolving business problems of all kinds. This program is focused on transforming how managers perceive and tackle problems, turning challenges into opportunities for systematic collaboration and innovative solutions. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Problem-Solving Awareness: Identify and understand your current approach to problem-solving, including challenges and areas for improvement.
  2. Comprehensive Problem-Solving Framework: Learn to use a structured framework to diagnose problems at their root cause and develop effective solutions.
  3. Application of Problem-Solving Process: Demonstrate the ability to systematically design and lead a problem-solving process that is collaborative and results-oriented.
  4. Evaluating Problem-Solving Skills: Assess your ability to successfully problem-solve through self-assessment, peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Capabilities: Develop the skills to diagnose complex problems, identify underlying causes, and formulate clear action plans.
  • Increased Collaboration: Learn to harness the power of collaboration in the problem-solving process, engaging team members and stakeholders effectively.
  • Improved Decision Making: Make better decisions by systematically analyzing problems and considering various solutions before taking action.
  • Greater Innovation: Foster an environment where problems are seen as opportunities for innovation and growth.
  • Boosted Confidence: Gain confidence in your ability to tackle and resolve even the toughest business challenges.

Skills to Learn:

  • Diagnostic Skills: Learn how to identify the real issues behind problems and avoid treating symptoms instead of causes.
  • Systematic Approach: Master a step-by-step process for problem-solving that can be applied to various situations and challenges.
  • Collaborative Techniques: Develop techniques for facilitating collaborative problem-solving sessions that engage and utilize the strengths of your team.
  • Action Planning: Understand how to formulate and implement clear, operational action plans to address problems effectively.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A focused session that provides participants with the tools and strategies to transform their approach to problem-solving immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Problem Solving


Decision Making training program for managers in Australia

The “Decision Making” training program by CMA Consulting is a one-day intensive workshop aimed at enhancing managers’ decision-making capabilities in Australia. This program focuses on equipping leaders with systematic thinking strategies to overcome “decision paralysis” and make confident, informed choices. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Decision Making Framework: Understand your existing decision-making approach and learn a comprehensive framework to improve decision quality and speed.
  2. Decision-Making Tools: Gain best practices for evaluating and deciding between multiple options, including defining criteria and systematically using it to guide choices.
  3. Practical Application: Assess your ability to make optimal decisions through activities designed to simulate real-life scenarios and challenges.
  4. Evaluating Decision-Making Skills: Measure your decision-making ability through peer-to-peer reviews, self-assessment, and observational coaching.


  • Enhanced Decision-Making Quality: Learn to make better decisions by systematically examining relevant data, challenging assumptions, and considering outcomes.
  • Reduced Decision Paralysis: Overcome fear and hesitation in decision-making by using structured approaches and tools.
  • Innovation and Value Creation: Embrace decision-making as an opportunity for innovation, problem-solving, and driving value within your organization.
  • Increased Confidence: Build confidence in your decision-making abilities, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes and increasing overall effectiveness.
  • Improved Team Dynamics: Lead by example and foster a culture of confident decision-making within your team.

Skills to Learn:

  • Systematic Analysis: Master the skill of systematically analyzing situations to uncover all relevant factors and potential impacts of your decisions.
  • Criteria Definition: Learn to define clear, relevant criteria for decision-making that align with organizational goals and values.
  • Risk Assessment: Develop the ability to assess risks and benefits associated with different options to make well-informed choices.
  • Action Planning: Understand how to formulate and implement action plans based on your decisions to ensure successful execution.

Program Details:

  • One-Day Workshop: A focused session that provides participants with the tools and strategies to transform their approach to decision-making immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.

Decision Making


Collaboration training program for managers

The “Collaboration” training program by CMA Consulting is a specialized workshop designed to enhance the collaborative skills of managers in Australia. This program focuses on teaching a systematic approach to harnessing individual strengths, building cohesive units, and effectively working together towards shared objectives. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

What You Can Learn:

  1. Understanding Collaboration: Understand what true collaboration means, including identifying processes that facilitate its success and overcome common misconceptions.
  2. Collaboration Tools: Learn frameworks and strategies for building relationships, increasing valuable input, and managing complex content and processes in a collaborative environment.
  3. Practical Application: Practice using a structured approach to foster relationships, enhance work processes, and manage content collaboratively.
  4. Evaluating Collaboration Skills: Assess your ability to collaborate effectively through self-assessment, peer-to-peer reviews, and observational coaching.


  • Enhanced Teamwork: Learn how to reduce friction and improve communication so that organizational goals are achieved more efficiently and effectively.
  • Building Relationships: Recognize the vital ingredients for collaborative working relationships and explore how to cultivate these in your team.
  • Improved Problem-Solving: Explore and integrate different perspectives in a way that promotes harmony and innovative solutions.
  • Balanced Relationship Management: Manage key working relationships without compromising on substantive goals, maintaining both professionalism and empathy.
  • Boosted Engagement: Enhance engagement and commitment within your team and across the organization through inclusive and participatory approaches.

Skills to Learn:

  • Vision Creation and Sharing: Learn how to create a shared vision among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and moving towards the same objectives.
  • Effective Communication: Develop strategies for open and effective communication, encouraging active listening and understanding among team members.
  • Conflict Resolution: Gain skills in managing and resolving conflicts constructively, turning potential challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.
  • Accountability and Responsibility: Understand how to foster a sense of accountability and responsibility among team members, ensuring that everyone contributes to the collaborative effort.

Program Details:

  • Workshop: A focused session that provides participants with the tools and strategies to transform their approach to collaboration immediately.
  • Tailored Learning: The workshop includes a customized case study and participant analysis to ensure the learning is directly applicable to your specific workplace challenges.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Participants receive post-workshop materials, access to CMA’s Alumni website, and a 12-month e-coaching hotline for ongoing support.

Delivery Options:

  • Face to Face Learning: Participate in an interactive and engaging workshop at your chosen location.
  • Micro Learning: Access short, focused learning sessions designed for busy schedules.
  • Virtual Training: Join the training from anywhere in the world through CMA’s optimized virtual training platforms.



Our Approach:

CMA’s unique approach involves understanding the specific learning needs and desired behavioral changes of your organization. The program is delivered by experienced practitioners and is supplemented with post-workshop resources and support to reinforce the skills learned.

Whether you are a new manager seeking to improve your written communication or an experienced leader looking to refine your persuasive writing techniques, the “Influential Business Writing” program offers a robust solution to enhance your managerial capabilities and ensure your written communications drive the desired results. Register your interest today and take a significant step towards becoming a more influential and effective leader.


In conclusion, investing in corporate training is an investment in the future of your organization and your personal career. The top corporate training programs for managers in Australia provide a diverse range of skills and knowledge essential for effective leadership. They offer the tools to navigate complex business environments, foster team growth, and drive innovation and success. By participating in these programs, managers not only enhance their capabilities but also contribute to building a resilient, adaptable, and forward-thinking organizational culture. Embracing continuous learning through these training opportunities is a step towards ensuring sustained growth and competitive advantage in the dynamic business world of Australia.

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