Careers advice

Jonathan Schauder offered this advice in The Daily Telegraph:

The only way employees are going to be able to fully take advantage of a company’s benefits program is if they can negotiate well.

Negotiation and relationship building company CMA senior consultant Jon Schauder says the error people make is asking for one option, such as asking for leave, rather than sharing their interest ,which is to look after their sick mother. Rather than demand – express a need, a hope, an aspiration and make it a problem-solving session where the business can help you to find solutions, Schauder says. You may ask for help because you have had another child.

“The business might be able to help in ways that the employee had not thought about, from child care, to health insurance, to helping with financial planning,” he says.

If the conversation goes poorly, it is time to start thinking whether the employer is the right fit.

Download a copy: Careers Advice – Henry Budd & CMA – The Daily Telegraph – Aug 2007
Careers Advice








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