
Best Role Play Scenarios to Train Feedback Skills

Effective feedback is crucial in any professional environment. It helps employees grow, improve their performance, and fosters a culture of open communication. However, giving and receiving feedback can sometimes be challenging, especially when the feedback involves constructive criticism. Role play exercises are an excellent way to train teams on how to handle feedback in a […]

Mastering Active Listening skills: 15 Essential Tips for Negotiation

In the intricate dance of negotiation, where words wield power and silence speaks volumes, the skill of active listening emerges as a game changer. It’s not merely about hearing words, but comprehending their underlying meanings, emotions, and intentions. Active listening in negotiation transcends basic communication; it’s the key to building trust, uncovering hidden interests, and […]

20 conflict resolution mistakes to avoid

In every professional journey, one encounters a myriad of interpersonal dynamics, diverse perspectives, and inevitably, conflicts. Conflict, while often perceived with a negative connotation, can be the catalyst for growth, innovation, and strengthened relationships when approached with the right mindset and tools. The ability to navigate through conflicts, seeking resolution and mutual understanding, is a […]

What is the role of society in conflict management?

Introduction The importance of conflict management Conflict is an inevitable aspect of human interactions. It can arise from differences in opinions, values, beliefs, and interests. Effective conflict management is essential for promoting peaceful coexistence, cooperation, and development. Conflict management techniques and skills play a vital role in resolving disagreements, reducing tensions, and finding common ground. […]

What is collaborative style of conflict management and how to use it?

A conflict management style is simply the way we choose to approach any given conflict. The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a tool developed to measure an individual’s response to conflict situations. There are 5 conflict style modes. Compromising, Accommodating, Avoiding, Competing and Collaborating. The TKI uses two axes (influenced by the Mouton and Blake axes) […]

Most used conflict management interview questions and answers

Have you ever been asked interview questions on conflict resolution or interview questions on conflict management? How did you answer? Behavioural interview questions about conflict resolution are designed to test your responses to high stakes situations. Answers to conflict resolution interview questions give the interviewer insight into how you would likely respond to such a […]

Importance of negotiation skills for manager

What is negotiation? The term “negotiation” covers a huge range of activities. An obvious example is two lawyers talking (or writing) to each other on behalf of their clients to try to resolve a legal dispute – or to strike a deal for the acquisition of one company by another. A personal example is buying […]

Covid-19 Update

Whether you’ve been asked to work remotely, or have had to cancel a face-to-face meeting, most Australian businesses have felt the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) in some way, shape or form. In times of change, it’s important for businesses to maintain strong communication, good working relationships and effective digital solutions that will help your team […]